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Angielski Everybody says love makes the world go round I...
Everybody says love makes the world go round
I hear a bubbling, I hear a sound
Of my heart beating then I turn around.
Find you standing at the door
You know me I like to dream a lot
Of this and that and what is not,
Finally I figured out what was what.
The result is always the same
You think somehow we're in a game
I think I'm dumb, I know you're smart
The beating of a purebred heart.
I say this to you and it's not a lark
Marry me today.
You know me I like to dream a lot
Of what there is and what there's not.
But mainly I dream of you a lot.
Part of the song "The power of the heart" (Peter Gabriel).

Edit: bubble-bubbling/Freya

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Rumuński Puterea inimii
Hiszpański Todos dicen que el amor hace girar al ...
31Język źródłowy
Poziom tej prośby o tłumaczenie jest "Tylko znaczenie".31
Turecki sen yeterki iste
sen yeterki iste

Ukończone tłumaczenia
Angielski as long as you wish
Rumuński atâta timp cât doreÈ™ti